Appliance times in the condominium
The regulation of the times of use of household appliances in the condominium is left to the contractual regulation, the urban police regulation and the civil code. Here are the rules to follow for women with household appliances in a condominium, noise concept
We know, life in a condominium is hard! It's not like living in an isolated house where everyone, within the limits of the law, can do whatever they want and whenever they want. In a condominium there are rules, many rules, including the one that regulates the times of use of household appliances. You can't turn on the washing machine or vacuum whenever you want. We must be careful not to disturb others, if we want others not to disturb us. In short, if at midnight you feel like having a strawberry smoothie, it's time to think before turning on the blender. The upstairs tenant might not understand! However, it is not just the condominium regulations that set limits on the times at which we turn on our appliances. Urban police regulations and the civil code also regulate noise in homes, which however only deals with those considered "intolerable".
To find out when it is possible to use household appliances in the condominium without disturbing the other inhabitants of the building, it is necessary to refer to what is established: the condominium regulation, the urban police regulation of the municipality in which the condominium is located and the civil code.
The condominium regulations
The condominium regulation of a contractual nature, therefore accepted by all condominiums at the time of purchase of the respective real estate units from the first owner (or subsequently) can impose limits on the conduct of the condominiums to ensure peaceful coexistence, both in reference to the common parts of the 'building than in those of exclusive ownership.
It can therefore also prohibit the use of household appliances during certain time slots and even impose monetary sanctions. The art. 70 of the implementing provisions of the civil code provides that "For infringements of the condominium regulations, the payment of a sum of up to 200 euros and, in the event of a repeat offense, up to 800 euros may be established as a sanction. sum is donated to the fund available to the administrator for ordinary expenses. The imposition of the sanction is decided by the assembly with the majorities referred to in the second paragraph of article 1136 of the Code."