Construction and infrastructure designers
Sound design of public and private environments (design of systemsNoise impact assessment of construction sites with request for exemption from compliance with sound diffusion limits)
of the insulation of systems serving the building industry
Correzione acustica indoor
di ambienti dove la qualità del suono deve essere ottimizzata:
- per attività musicali (studi di registrazione, teatri, auditorium, ...)
- per il parlato (teatri, auditorium, sale conferenze, chiese, aule scolastiche)
- per ambienti con riverberazione (strutture sportive, pubblici esercizi, uffici, centri commerciali)
Acoustic design
of large environments:
-recording studios
-theaters and concert halls
-auditorium and conference rooms
-cinema, radio/TV studios
places of worship
Noise impact assessment of construction sites with a request for an exception to compliance with the limits