• Speaker at the training course for technicians in environmental acoustics "ACOUSTICS FOR DESIGN" organized by the Department of Science and Technologies of the Built Environment (Best), year 2011
• Teacher at the "Acoustics for planning" course organized by the BEST of the Polytechnic of Milan with a speech on the topic: "Implementation of Acoustic Regulations and depreciation of the real estate product" (24/06/2011)
• Teacher at the Master for the training of technicians competent in environmental acoustics organized by the BEST of the Polytechnic of Milan (September 2009 and June 2010).
• Teacher at the “AFOR” High Specialization Master for the training of competent technicians in environmental acoustics under the scientific direction of the Polytechnic of Milan from June 2009 to June 2011
• Lesson at the course organized by the Polytechnic of Milan, Mantua section, for technicians competent in environmental acoustics (16/01/2009)
• Lecture at the course organized by the BEST Department of the Polytechnic of Milan on architectural acoustics (26/9/08).
• Lesson on the problems of Energy and Acoustic certification of buildings at the Indigo Department of the Polytechnic of Milan (9/5/2008)
• Teacher at the Specialization Course: “Acoustics for Design” organized by the BEST of the Polytechnic of Milan (September 2007 – January 2008).
• Teacher at the specialization course: “Acoustics for interiors” organized by the Polytechnic of Milan (January 2006 and repeated in October 2006)
• Teacher at the course “The design of transparent casing systems” organized by the BEST of the Polytechnic of Milan (6/7/2004).
• Teacher at the course “Pollutant effluent treatment plants” prof. Seneschal at the Polytechnic of Milan (9/12/03).
• Teacher at the Environmental Impact Assessment course (prof. Vismara) on the assessment of environmental noise impact at the Faculty of Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan (27/05/2003).
• Teacher at the Environmental Impact Assessment course (Prof. Vismara) on the topic of aircraft traffic sound simulation models, AY 2002-03 Faculty of Engineering Polytechnic of Milan (27/05/2002).
• Teaching at the course "Environmental impact assessment: methods, indices, examples" organized by the Poliedra permanent training center of the Polytechnic of Milan (January 2001)
• Teacher at the course "Environmental acoustic control techniques" at the Polytechnic of Milan (03/05/2000_05/05/2000)
• Teacher at the “Environmental acoustic control techniques” course organized by the Department of Energy of the Faculty of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Milan (May 2000)
• Teacher at the XLIV refresher course in “Health-Environmental Engineering” organized by the Polytechnic of Milan (February 1996).
• Teacher at the refresher course on "Current acoustic regulations: measurements and checks" organized by the Department of Planning, Design and Building Production of the Faculty of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Milan (March-April 1995).
• Teaching at the seminar “From Idea to Project” for engineering graduates (Formaper, 30 October 1992) organized at the Polytechnic of Milan.
• Lesson at the educational seminar as part of the "Transport Planning" course, intended for fifth year students of the Degree Course in Environmental and Territorial Engineering. Polytechnic of Milan (30/03/1994)
• Teaching at the environmental engineering refresher course for engineers organized by FAST-SITE-AAA “Environmental impact assessment”, for acoustic-environmental problems (November 1991, November 1992, September 1993).
• Instructor in the course of “Ecology Applied to Engineering” (Prof. Rozzi) of the Faculty of Engineering - Department of Hydraulic, Environmental and Surveying Engineering - Polytechnic of Milan (AY 1990-91, 91-92, 92-93, 93 -94, 94-95, 95-96, 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03).
• Trainer at the “Transport Planning” course (Prof. Rinelli) of the Faculty of Engineering - Institute of Roads and Transport - Polytechnic of Milan (AY 1993-94).