Emergency appeal form against intolerable noise
Appeal pursuant to art. 700 cpc to obtain an order to inhibit and stop disturbing noises from the neighbour
When the noise does not constitute the crime of disturbing the peace because only the downstairs neighbor or a few others notice it, the only possible protection is to appeal to a civil judge. We go to court for two reasons. The first is, clearly, obtaining an order to stop the annoying noise emissions to be communicated to the person responsible; it can be obtained with an urgent appeal (the famous appeal pursuant to article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure). The second reason that pushes the victim to obtain civil protection is the request for compensation; this is not a simple objective given that proof of damage is not believed to be implicit in the very fact of the noise.
At this point, you need an emergency appeal form against intolerable noises. I remind you, however, that with the urgent procedure you cannot obtain compensation for damages. For those, in fact, you must necessarily resort to ordinary action. In fact, the appeal pursuant to article 700 is not conceivable for requests for compensation. The purpose of this precautionary action is, in fact, to obtain immediate protection in the face of a serious offense - easily demonstrable - which, if not prevented as soon as possible, could irremediably compromise the rights of the applicant. These are precisely the two requirements of the appeal: the so-called fumus boni iuris (i.e. the appearance of the right) and the periculum in mora (the danger that, in the event of delayed protection, the right will be definitively damaged).
In the appeal you must first demonstrate the fact, i.e. the harassing behaviour. To this end, the Civil Code establishes that noises are considered prohibited when they exceed the "normal tolerability", a generic criterion that allows the court to evaluate the individual case on the basis of a series of indices (the persistence and voluntariness of the noise, the time it was produced, the place where the property is located and the consequent relationship between the neighbor's emissions and the background noise coming from outside the apartment).
Despite the summary nature of the judgement, you will therefore have to rely on the evidence of the offence, i.e. the noise emissions, which must necessarily be indicated in the emergency appeal form against noise. In this regard, the Court of Cassation said that the demonstration of the intolerability of noise can be given in various ways: not only with a phonometric assessment, but also through witness statements. Therefore, thanks to the hearing of the brief informants - this is how the witnesses are defined in the proceedings pursuant to art. 700 cpc – it is possible to demonstrate the presence of noisy emissions. The judge will then decide whether these should be considered intolerable.
All that remains is to leave you to the emergency appeal form pursuant to art. 700 cpc to obtain a stop noise order from your neighbor.
Urgent appeal regarding noise in a condominium to obtain an order to stop emissions
Noise inputs
Mr. ...., tax code .... stay in …., on the way …., n. …. elect. dom.to in …. on the way…. n. …. at the lawyer's office…. (tax code .... who represents and defends it by virtue of the power of attorney at the bottom/in the margin of this deed and who declares that he wishes to receive notices and communications at the following fax number: .... and/or at the following address PEC: ….
Mr. …. tax code ...., go .... n…. in ….;
Subject: Urgent appeal for noise emissions beyond the tolerable threshold.
– that Mr. …. is the owner of an apartment located in …. on the way…. n. …. floor …. where he lives together with the following members of his family: ....;
– that for a few months, (almost) every evening, from …. until late at night, from a place located opposite on the other side of the street and, precisely, in via…. n. …., comes the deafening noise of. ….;
– that this room was used by Mr. …. to ….;
– that the noise emitted exceeds normal tolerability to the point of no longer allowing the appellant and the members of his family to be able to rest or listen to television, even speaking can only take place in a very loud voice;
– that every protest aimed at restoring normal tranquility was in vain;
– that the appellant and the members of his family, during the opening hours of the restaurant, are prevented from carrying out their daily activities and if this unsustainable situation were to continue, they would also risk falling ill.
Having said all this, the instant as above reported and defended
to the Honorable Court so that, pursuant to articles. 669-bis and 700 cpc with an unheard decree by the other party or, alternatively, a hearing is set for the parties to appear, assigning the deadline for notification of the decree and for the appearance of the defendant, to hear the following accepted
1. Adopt every measure aimed at immediately stopping the production of the aforementioned noises;
2. adopt any other useful measure to contain emissions within the limits of normal tolerability.
Pursuant to art. 14 presidential decree 115/2002, it is declared that the value of this dispute is indeterminate and therefore the value of the unified contribution is € ....
We are confident in acceptance.
To demonstrate the facts referred to in this appeal, the following summary informants are indicated, all of whom will report on the perception of the noises described in action:
Mr… resident in….
Mr… resident in….
Mr… resident in….
With observance.
Place and date ….
Signature Lawyer….
(signature of the defender)
(continues: power of attorney ad litem)